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Customer Testimonials

We’re proud to share a handful of recent testimonials from our happy customers. Blindvision is dedicated to exceptional customer care, and will always go above and beyond to make sure you’re satisfied with our products and service. If you’ve had experience with us and have feedback, please get in touch - we’d love to hear it.

Steve presenting to 500 A Level Students

Steve spoke to both our Y12 and Y13 students and inspired them with his story. He connected brilliantly with the students and his talk contained a brilliant mixture of humour and honesty with a motivating and inspirational message. You could tell by the warmth of the applause at the end just how much the students had enjoyed hearing from him.



• It was amazing to see someone with such a challenging disability achieve so much in his life

• We found the lecture to be quite inspirational since the content was applicable to our future

• It was good that he kept making jokes to lighten the mood and make everyone more comfortable

• We loved his guide dog

Mr D Colquhoun

Assistant Headteacher - Director of Sixth Form

Dr Challoner's Grammer School

TESTIMONIALS: Testimonials
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